How to Enable or Disable Super Reactions in Discord & More

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How to Enable or Disable Super Reactions in Discord

Discord, a popular platform for communication among communities, gamers, and friends, constantly introduces new features to enhance user interaction.
One such feature is Super Reactions. While some users find Super Reactions interesting, others find them distracting or annoying. Whether you love or hate them, this article will guide you on enabling or disabling them, removing your sent reactions, and stopping seeing reactions/emojis to your messages.

Before we begin, make sure you have Discord installed correctly. Sometimes users face a problem saying “Installation has failed” on Discord.

What is the Super Reactions Feature?

Super Reactions are an enhanced form of the standard reactions on Discord and add an animation to your chosen emoji when you react to a message. However, this feature is not entirely free, to access unlimited Super Reactions you require a Discord Nitro subscription. 

Steps to Enable or Disable Super Reactions

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You can disable or Enable them by following these simple steps:

  • Launch the “Discord” app on your device.
  • Click on the gear icon located at the bottom left corner of the screen, next to your username.
Click User Settings in Discord
  • In the settings menu, select the “Accessibility” tab from the left sidebar.
  • Now, scroll down, and find the “Play Animated Emoji” option.
Enable Play animated emoji

If you prefer not to use or see “Super Reactions” in your Discord experience switch off the toggle. This will disable the Super Reaction animations.

You can use the same toggle, to enable the “Super Reactions” however this would require a Nitro subscription.

How to Use Super Reactions?

Once Super Reactions are enabled, you can use them to enhance your interactions:

  • Find the message you want to react to.
  • Hover over the message, or right-click the message and click on the ‘smiley face’ icon with a plus sign that appears then select “Add Reaction”.
Add Reaction in Discord
  • In the ‘reactions menu’, go to the “Super Reactions” tab.
Select Super Reactions
  • Select your desired emoji. It will appear on the message with special effects, or animations.

How Do You Remove the Reaction You Sent on Discord?

If you have reacted to a message with a Super Reaction or any other reaction by mistake and wish to remove it, follow these steps:

  • Locate the message you reacted to.
  • Move your cursor over the reaction you want to remove.
  • Click on the reaction. This will remove your reaction from the message.
Remove the Super Reaction you sent

How to Stop People from Reacting to Your Messages?

Speed up your PC Now Advanced SystemCare will automatically fix your Windows errors and other PC glitches that might lead to slow PC.

If you prefer not to have reactions to your messages, you can prevent others from reacting by adjusting the permissions in your server or for a specific channel:

  • Launch the “Discord” app.
  • Click on the gear icon for the “User Settings” menu.
Click User Settings in Discord
  • Now, select “Text & Images” and turn off the toggle next to the “Show emoji reactions on messages” option.
Turn off Show emoji reactions on messages

Last Word

Enabling or disabling Super Reactions in Discord is a straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily manage Super Reactions and customize your experience according to your preferences.

Useful: if you’re getting a ‘temporary network error’ message on Discord — see our guide here on how to fix that.

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Mendy Lieberman
Mendy Lieberman - Founder, PC repair expert

Mendy is a founder of He’s been a ‘tech-geek’ for a decade.
He has a background in IT consulting and has gathered a team for WindowsFixHub which main purpose is to provide the most helpful PC tech and software repair guides in the market!