How to Check RAM on Windows? Type, Speed, Usage, Availability, Manufacturer, and More

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Have you ever wondered how much RAM your computer is using and how much is still available? or are you encountering low-memory error messages or your computer is running slow? For all these, you’ll need to understand and monitor your RAM usage and functionality. This guide will show how you can check the type of RAM, its speed, availability, usage, model, and manufacturer for Windows. Let’s get started!

How to Check RAM on Windows

Before we get into the specifics of your computer’s RAM, let’s briefly understand what RAM is and what is its role in your system’s performance.

So What is RAM?

RAM, or Random Access Memory, is a type of short-term memory that your computer uses to store data that is actively being used or processed. Unlike storage devices (like hard drives or SSDs), RAM is temporary and gets cleared when the computer is powered off.

RAM plays an important role in ensuring smooth multitasking and overall system performance. When your computer runs multiple applications simultaneously, RAM allows for quick access to the data these programs need, preventing the system from slowing down. Insufficient RAM can lead to sluggishness, application freezes, and even system crashes. By regularly monitoring your RAM usage, you can keep your computer running smoothly. Now that we have a basic idea of what RAM is and what it does. Let’s get into specific details on how to check various RAM parameters.

How to Check the Total RAM

Speed up your PC Advanced SystemCare will automatically fix all Windows errors and speed up your whole PC.

Let’s start by checking the total RAM on your system. Here are the steps:

  • Press the ‘Windows key’ on your keyboard.
  • Type “System Information” and press ‘Enter‘.
Type System Information
  • In the System Information window, on the left sidebar, find and click on “System Summary”.
  • Look for the “Installed Physical Memory (RAM)” entry in the main panel.
Installed Physical Memory

The value next to it represents the total amount of RAM installed on your computer, typically in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), for eg. 16GB of RAM.

Checking RAM Speed and Available Free RAM

This section shows you how to check the speed of your RAM and how much RAM is currently available for use. Here are the steps:

  • Right-click on ‘Start’ and select “Task Manager” from the Windows Start Menu.
Right Click Start select Task Manager
  • In the “Task Manager” window, click on the “Performance” tab.
  • Now, click on “Memory” in the left sidebar. In this section, you’ll find other details related to RAM:
    • Look for the “Speed” field. The value represents the speed of your RAM, usually measured in megahertz (MHz) which is the clock speed at which the RAM operates, influencing its performance.
    • Look for the “Available” field, which indicates the amount of RAM that is currently not in use by running applications and is available for use by the system.
Checking RAM Speed and Available RAM

Checking RAM Usage on Windows

By following the steps below, you can easily check the current RAM usage on your Windows computer. This information helps you understand how much of your system’s memory is being used and whether additional memory may be needed for optimal performance. Consider closing unnecessary background processes or upgrading to a higher RAM capacity if you frequently encounter low-memory issues.

  • Right-click on ‘Start’ and select “Task Manager” from the Windows Start Menu.
Right Click Start select Task Manager
  • Click on the “Performance” tab at the top or left sidebar, and then click on “Memory”. You’ll see a graphical representation of your current RAM usage. 
  • Below the graphical representation, you can find detailed information about your RAM usage, including the total physical memory, in-use memory, available memory, and the amount of memory being used by various applications and system processes.
Checking RAM Speed and Available RAM

Checking RAM Type, Manufacturer, and Model

In this section, we’ll first determine your RAM type, and then we’ll find out the manufacturer and model of your RAM:

  • Press the ‘Windows + S’ keys.
  • Type “PowerShell” and press “Run as Administrator”.
  • Type the following command and press ‘Enter’:
    Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PhysicalMemory | Format-Table SMBIOSMemoryType
Checking RAM Type in Powershell
  • This command will provide you with a code such as 2, 26, etc. Note down that code and match it with the below data to find out your RAM type:
  • Now type the below command and press ‘Enter’:
    Get-CimInstance Win32_PhysicalMemory
Checking Manufacturer, part number and speed in Powershell
  • The command provides information about your physical memory (RAM). Look for the “Manufacturer,” “PartNumber,” and “Speed” columns in the output.
    • The “Manufacturer” field will tell you the manufacturer of your RAM modules.
    • The “PartNumber” field provides the part number or model of your RAM.
    • The “Speed” field indicates the speed of your RAM in megahertz (MHz).

Upgrading RAM

After checking all the details, if you find that your RAM is insufficient for your computing needs and your system needs more RAM, you can purchase a new RAM and install it in your system.

  • Identify the type and speed of your current RAM.
  • Check your computer’s manual or documentation for the maximum supported RAM.
  • Purchase compatible RAM modules and install them following the manufacturer’s guidelines.

We have a complete step-by-step guide on how to upgrade and install RAM on your Windows System:

Final Words

Checking your RAM on Windows is important to ensure optimal system performance and identify potential issues. Using the steps mentioned, you can easily access and understand your RAM specifications. We hope that our guide has helped you easily find the specifics of your RAM. Keep your system in top shape by regularly checking your RAM and addressing any concerns that arise.

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Sage-Michael Brown
Sage-Michael Brown - Author

Sage is another team member and writer at Windows Fix Hub.

His experience includes computer repair, IT consulting, computer networking, data recovery, and home networking.

These qualities enables him to provide top-notch information for our readers and guide them through pretty much any issue.