How to Turn On Dark Mode in Microsoft Word? A Quick Guide

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Dark mode in apps is a reader-friendly mode that makes the default dark text on the page light and displays it against a dark screen. This mode has been designed to lower the strain on readers’ eyes as well as save your battery. So we completely understand that you probably want to enable it for Word as well.

Like many apps, Microsoft Word also has a dark mode that allows you to view text against a dark background. This makes it easier for people to use Word for extended hours without getting an eye strain.

But how do you turn on dark mode in Microsoft Word? For people who aren’t aware of the dark mode in Word, it can be quite daunting to find the option to enable dark mode. 

In this guide, we will explain how to enable and disable dark mode in Microsoft Word. So read on.

How to Turn On Dark Mode in Microsoft Word

DO IT INSTANTLY: How to Enable and Disable Dark Mode in Microsoft Word?

  • To enable dark mode in MS Word: Launch MS Word and go to File > Account > Office Theme, then select Black.
  • To disable dark mode in MS Word: Launch MS Word and go to File > Account > Office Theme, then select White.

Below, we have detailed the benefits of using dark mode and detailed instructions with images on how you can enable and disable it in Microsoft Word.

Why Should You Use the Dark Mode in Microsoft Word?

Dark mode in applications inverts the color scheme on your screen to reduce your blue light exposure. Exposure to blue light for extended hours can tire your eyes quickly, making it difficult for you to focus.

What’s more, blue light exposure also affects your sleep cycles and lowers melatonin production. Therefore, if you use Microsoft Word for extended hours, we recommend using dark mode to reduce eye strain and get a good night’s sleep.

In addition to these eye health benefits, dark mode also allows you to save energy, especially on OLED displays. Since OLED screens only use pixels when needed, you can save your battery life if your phone or computer has an OLED screen. For instance, the difference can be as much as 43% lower power usage on a Google Pixel phone. 

So as you can see there are multiple reasons why you should use dark mode in Microsoft Word.
Now let’s see how you toggle the dark mode on and off in MS Word.

How to Turn On Dark Mode in Microsoft Word?

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To turn on dark mode in Microsoft Word, follow these steps:

  • Open “Microsoft Word” on your PC.
  • Now go to “File” > “Account” > “Office Theme”.
  • Navigate to the drop-down menu under “Office Theme” and then click on “Black”.
Word File Account > Black
  • If the system theme of your PC is already dark, click on the “Use system setting” option.

The dark mode in Word also allows you to make more configurations to customize your display according to your preferences, such as keeping the page color the same. If you want more colors on your Word display, you can also use the “Colorful” theme. 

How to Turn Off Dark Mode in Microsoft Word? 

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To turn off dark mode in Microsoft Word:

  • Open “Microsoft Word” on your PC.
  • Now go to “File” > “Account” > “Office Theme”.
  • Navigate to the drop-down menu under “Office Theme” and then click on “White”.
How to Turn Off Dark Mode in Microsoft Word

By doing so, you can disable dark mode in Word and switch it back to light mode.

That’s how easy it is to turn on and turn off dark mode in Microsoft Word. That definitely makes Word more interesting and useful. Enjoy!

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Mendy Lieberman
Mendy Lieberman - Founder, PC repair expert

Mendy is a founder of He’s been a ‘tech-geek’ for a decade.
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